Hall of Fame
Honoring service to the industry
Members inducted into the MEA Hall of Fame exemplify the spirit of great leaders. These outstanding individuals have shared their time and expertise with the energy industry through MEA by serving on committees and volunteering at our meetings and events.
Questions? Contact John Gann at (651) 289-9600 x105.
Dave Bakunas

Ameren Illinois Company
Inducted 2024
- Served on the Gas Operating Steering Committee for 3 years
- Served on the Gas Distribution Committee for 6 years
- Participated in 2 MEA Energy Association learning events
Derek Ingram
XDD Environmental, PSC Environmental Services, Loureiro Engineering Associates
Inducted 2024
- Served on Environmental Management Committee for 23 years (since 2001)
- Attended 24 Environmental Leadership Learning Conferences in addition to yearly planning events (since 2000)
- Speaker or moderator at most ELLCs
Scott Kranstuber

Sensit Technologies
Inducted 2024
- Participated in more than 30 MEA Energy Association learning events
- Served on the Board of Directors and Board Membership Committee for 6 years
- Served on the Associate Advisory Council and the Purchasing & Materials Management Committee
Michelle Mieras

NIPSCO and Vanair Manufacturing, Inc.
Inducted 2024
- Served on the Transportation & Fleet Committee for 16 years & Past Chair
- Participated in 16 MEA T&F learning events; frequent speaker & Moderator
- Respected leader and contributor with T&F group; committee member while working at 2 different companies
Otto Marquardt

WEC Energy Group – Wisconsin Public Service Corp.
Inducted 2024
- Served on the Electric Operations Steering Committee for 12 years & Past Chair
- Served on the Electric Codes & Standards Committee for 1 year
- Participated in 15 MEA Energy Association learning events
Nick Nixon

Inducted 2024
- Served on the Electric Underground Committee for 15 years, serving as Chair in 2022
- Attended approximately 30 Electric Operations Conferences and Senior Executive Forums
- Facilitated/secured numerous Electric Operations Conference session speakers
Stephanie Wang

Nicor Gas
Inducted 2024
- Served on the Purchasing & Materials Management Committee for 13 years, also served as Past Chair
- Attended Purchasing & Materials Management Roundtable each year along with engaging in ongoing event planning
- Widely respected and regarded by fellow committee members and roundtable attendees for group leadership and sharing of industry experiences
Marie Elliott

Evergy (retired)
Inducted 2023
- Served on the Purchasing & Materials Management Committee for 16 years
- Chair of the Purchasing & Materials Management Committee
- Participated in 15 MEA Energy Association learning events
Tom Ray

City Utilities of Springfield
Inducted 2023
- Frequent speaker at MEA Energy Association learning events
- Served on the Gas Safety Committee for 11 years
- Chair of the Gas Safety Committee
- Participated in 20 MEA Energy Association learning events
Rich Stocker

SENSIT Technologies
Inducted 2023
- Served on the Gas Distribution Committee for 14 years
- Chair of the Gas Distribution Committee
- Participated in 20 MEA Energy Association learning events
Dan Sullivan

Inducted 2023
- Served on the Environmental Committee for 22 years
- Chair of the Environmental Committee
- Participated in 22 MEA Energy Association learning events
Chad Tameling

SET Environmental, Inc.
Inducted 2023
- Served on the Environmental Committee for 11 years
- Participated in 15 MEA Energy Association learning events
- Sponsorship at 6 MEA Energy Association learning events
Wade Farr

Groebner, Mainline Control Systems
Inducted 2022
- Frequent speaker at MEA Energy Association learning events
- Served on the Distribution Committee for 17 years and served as a Past Chair
- Participated in 32 MEA learning events
Eddie Lynch

Inducted 2022
- Instrumental in organizing and delivering the Construction Inspector Class
- Served on the Distribution Committee for 9 years and Past Chair
- Participated in 32 MEA learning events
Debi Croy

Ameren IL
Inducted 2021
- Participated in more than 20 MEA learning events (since 2008) including the Gas Operations Conference, Gas Operations Roundtable, Energetic Women, and a variety of webinars
- Participated on the Gas System Control Committee for 10 years; Past Chair
- Frequent presenter and leader at Gas System Control learning events
Bill Kaphing

Xcel Energy (retired)
Inducted 2021
- Longtime Board of Directors contributor
- Speaker on incident/emergency management at MEA events
- Facilitated adoption of Field Leader Training by MEA
- Initial supporter of Energetic Women
Jeff Lott

Ameren IL
Inducted 2021
- Participated in 20 MEA learning events (since 2012) including the Gas Operations Summit, Gas Operations Roundtable, and Construction Inspector Class
- Participated on the Gas Safety Committee for 9 years; Past Chair
- Instrumental in arranging and delivering the Fire Safety class at the Gas Operations Conference
- Frequent presenter in the Construction Inspector Class
Mary Palkovich

CenterPoint Energy and Consumers Energy (retired)
Inducted 2021
- Longtime Board of Directors contributor
- Founding member of the Energetic Women Leadership Team and recipient of the Energetic Women Maverick Award
- Advocate for employee resource groups, with a particular focus of women in engineering and operations, to MEA membership
- Advocate for safety practices to MEA membership
Drew Yando

Heath Consultants (retired)
Inducted 2021
- Attended/exhibited more than 50 events including the Gas Operations Conference (every year since 1993), Gas Operations Roundtable, Measurement Excellence Class and Leak Detection Class
- Facilitated and co-presented for the annual Leak Detection Class
- Participated on the Gas Associate Advisory Council for 8 years; Past Chair
Sandy Driscoll

MEA Energy Association (retired)
Inducted 2019 for her 20 years of service to MEA members, including:
- Assisted with the delivery of the National Gas Rodeo including team registrations, onsite team registration, and a variety of competition logistics
- Delivery of the Construction Inspector, Leak Detection, and Measurement Excellence training classes
- Assisted with the delivery of the Gas Operations Technical & Leadership Summit including attendee registrations, speaker logistics, and onsite registrations
- MEA Energy Association office manager role responsible for tasks such as providing a warm welcome, check processing, receptionist, mail, office supplies, and other duties
Dennis Klumb, Jr.

KS Energy Services, LLC
Inducted 2018
- Served many years on the Board of Directors
- Helped MEA maintain a steady balance as Treasurer
- Served on many MEA committees
Stuart Twist

MidAmerican Energy Company
Inducted 2018
- Serving on the Electric Underground Distribution Committee for 16 years
- Two-time chair of the Electric Underground Distribution Committee
- Serving on the Electric Operations Steering Committee
- Actively enhancing MidAmerican Energy’s participation and engagement with MEA
Don Szambelan

MEA Energy Association (retired)
Inducted 2017
- Driving force behind MEA’s EnergyU along with product and course development during his 15 years with MEA
- Project lead for various committees.
- Presented and attended many MEA conferences and events.
Claude Eagler

Inducted 2015
- Instrumental in the startup of the Measurement Excellence Committee
- Chair of the Measurement Excellence Committe twice, served over 15 years
- Set-up the Measurement Excellence Class, presented and attended over multiple years
- Presented many measurement classes at the Gas Operations Technical & Leadership Summit
- Presented and attended at MEA’s Spring Roundtable for over 15 years
Andrew Brennan

Colorado Springs Utilities
Inducted 2014
- Chair of the National GAS Rodeo Committee
- Leadership in moving the Rodeo from Fairview Heights, IL to Colorado Springs, CO
- Participated in more than 10 events
- Session speaker
John Burke

Inducted 2014
- Chair and 8 years of service on the Gas Distribution Committee
- Participated in more than 25 MEA learning events
- Presented or moderated many learning sessions
Brad Heck

Miller Pipeline
Inducted 2014
- Pioneer in advancing the development of MEA’s Qualified For One, Qualified For All materials
- 15+ year service on the Operator Qualification Committee
- Past Chair of the Technical Training Committee
J. Scott Kleppe

SENSIT Technologies
Inducted 2014
- Served on the MEA Board of Directors for 2 terms (6 years)
- Helped define MEA’s strategic direction
- Participated in more than 50 MEA events
- Strong sponsorship and advocacy of MEA’s programs
- Provided subject matter experts for classroom sessions
Larry Milner

Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc.
Inducted 2014
- More than a decade of service on the Environmental Management Committee
- Leadership in organizing and delivering various networking events at the Environmental Conference
- Leadership in identifying and securing industry-expert content for the Environmental Conference
- Leadership on promoting Environmental Management Committee cohesiveness and effectiveness
Dennis Mueller

MRM Technical Group, Exelon Infrastructure Services, InfraSource, Q3 Contracting
Inducted 2014
- Treasurer of the MEA Board of Directors
- Participated on the OQ Committee
- Instrumental in the formation of the MEA investment policy
- Participated in 46 MEA events
Michelle Trapp

Michels Corporation
Inducted 2014
- Chairperson of both the Gas and the Electric Associate Advisory Council
- Participation on the MEA Board of Directors
- Participation in more than 55 MEA learning events
- Willingness to assist in a variety of programs
Jerry Woodruff
Normandy Machine Company, Inc.
Inducted 2014
- Chair of the Electric Substation Team
- Participant in the Electric Substation Team since 2001
- Participated in 29 MEA events
(not pictured)
Ed Bradley

Ameren Missouri
Inducted 2013
- 2-time Chair of the Electric Underground Committee
- Committee member service and active contributor since 2002
- Participated in 25 MEA events
Tom Phalen

We Energies
Inducted 2013
- 2-time Chair of the Gas Operations Steering Committee
- Chair of the Gas Measurement Committee
- Participated in more than 50 MEA events
- Key leadership role in upgrading the Gas Operations Conference including the move to Rochester
Jim Kuchler

Nicor Gas
Inducted 2012
- Chair of the Gas Distribution Committee
- Gas Operations Steering Committee
- Committee Member Service and active contributor since 1997
- Participated in more than 20 MEA events
- Visionary behind the Energetic Women concept and name
Marv Morey

Inducted 2012
- Chair of the Overhead Distribution Committee
- Committee member since founding of electric section in 2001
- Member of the ElectricU Steering Committee
- Strong contributor to the ElectricU course development
- Participated in more than 20 MEA events
Mike Broshous

Consolidated Utility Services
Inducted 2011
- Chair of the Electric Associate Advisory Council, multiple years
- Member of the Electric Operations Conference Site Survey Task Force
- Member of the Electric Operations Steering Committee
- Exhibited at 16 MEA conferences
- Sponsored and assisted at numerous conference activities
Rosanne Rogers

Alliant Energy
Inducted 2011
- Chair of the Gas Operations Steering Committee
- Chair of the Gas Codes & Standards Committee
- Taught several classes at the Annual Gas Operations Conference, Spring Gas Distribution
- Summit & Fall Gas Distribution Summit
- Attended more than 55 events since 1995
Bob Bennett

Elster American
Inducted 2010
- Instructor for Gas Operations Conference for 15 years
- Instructor for Measurement Excellence Course since 2006
- Gas Operations Conference Exhibitor since 1991
- Participated in more than 20 events
Cecil Head

Michels Corporation
Inducted 2010
- OQ Subject Matter Expert for MEA’s EnergyU (formerly ETN)
- Member of the WUA for MEA OQ Standards
- Taught MEA’s ‘train the trainer” course
- Participated in more than 20 MEA events
Alan Kettle

Inducted 2010
- Member of the Environmental Management Committee 1988-2010
- Chair of the Environmental Management Committee, 1991, 1992, & 2005
- Attended 40 Environmental conferences and planning meetings
- Led numerous Environmental Conference roundtable discussion sessions
Jeff Veteto

City Utilities of Springfield
Inducted 2010
- Chaired the Gas Operations Steering Committee
- Chaired the Gas Codes & Standards Committee
- Chaired the Gas Distribution Committee
- Participated in more than 55 MEA events
Bill Burnett

Ameren UE
Inducted 2009
- Member of Gas Operations Committee
- Chaired the Gas Operations Committee
- Chaired the Distribution Committee
- Participated in more than 40 events
Joe Groebner

Groebner & Associates
Inducted 2009
- MEA Treasurer for over seven (7) years
- Chaired the Gas Operations Committee
- Chaired the Distribution Committee
- Gas Operations Conference exhibitor for 19 years
Bill Herdegen III

Kansas City Power & Light
Inducted 2009
- First electric-only utility to join MEA
- Strong advocate for KCP&L participation in MEA information-sharing activities
- Chair, MEA Board of Directors, 2006
- Returned as member of Board of Directors, 2009
Mark Shill

Inducted 2009
- Chaired the Gas Operations Exhibit Committee
- Member of the O.Q. Committee
- Member of the Gas Operations Committee
- Participated in more than 30 events
Dick Devine

Aquila, Inc.
Inducted 2008
- Chaired the Gas Safety & Training Committee
- Gas Safety & Training Committee member for 12 years
- Served on the Gas Utilization Committee
- Course trainer for over 10 courses
- Participated in 26 MEA events
Jim Gould

Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company
Inducted 2008
- Service on the Environmental Management Committee 14+ years
- Participation in 14+ Environmental Management Conferences
- MGP roundtable discussion leader
- Leadership role in securing participation and sponsorship for Environmental Management events
Warren Satterlee

Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc., OQ Services, Inc., Northeast Technical College, Midwest Natural Gas, Great Plains Energy, Montana-Dakota Utilities
Inducted 2008
- Chaired the Gas Operations Steering Committee
- Served on MEA’s Marketing Committee
- Served on MEA’s Board of Directors
- Participated in numerous MEA events including 14 Annual Operations Conferences
Ric Hinkie

Midwest ENERGY Association (retired)
Inducted 2007
Ric Hinkie served the membership of MEA as the President for 17 years. During his tenure, Ric worked directly with the members to create an exciting and growing MEA. Ric educated, entertained, and mentored any member interested in the energy industry. His vision, passion, and ideas drove MEA to maximize member value.
A brief list of some of Ric’s MEA accomplishments include:
- Developed MEA’s initial Operator Qualification system
- Worked with the Board to change the name from MGA to MEA and launch the Electric section
- Assembled the Gas & Electric Museum “A Walk Thru Time”
- Oversaw the development of 20 new committees
- Expanded the Board of Directors
- Helped develop the Workforce Development Council
- Helped develop and deliver more than 10 new products and services
- Increased revenue by 200%
- Delivered new Pharmacy Benefit Program with AGA and EEI
- Founded the MEA Foundation
Glen Armstrong

EN Engineering
Inducted 2006
- Service on Codes & Standards Committee 1997-2002; Chair in 2001
- Service on Gas Operating Steering Committee 2001-2006; Chair in 2005
- Participation in 40 MEA events
Dennis Block

MidAmerican Energy
Inducted 2006
- Service on Gas Safety & Training Committee 1999-2006; Chair in 2003
- Participation in 38 MEA events
- Supporter of the MEA Fun Run
Pierre Lebrasseur

Michels Corporation
Inducted 2006
- Service on the MEA Board of Directors 2002-2006
- Participation in 44 MEA events
- Strong sponsorship support of MEA initiatives
Ron Estabrook

Alliant Energy
Inducted 2005
Ron’s MEA involvement dates back over 30 years. Ron was asked to join the Measurement Control Committee in 1982 and then again in the 90’s. “I’ve enjoyed as much as anything committee work,” said Estabrook. “It’s part friends and partially the sense of accomplishment you get, like from putting a program together for Ames.”
- Service on the Measurement & Controls Committee since 1984; Chair in 1987 and 1995;
- Served as 1st Vice Chair
- Participation in 42 MEA events
- Chair of Measurement Excellence subcommittee
Jerry Hoffman

Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company
Inducted 2005
- Service on Environmental Management Committee since 1995
- Participation in 12 MEA events
- Speaker at Environmental Conference on 12 occasions
- Consistent, reliable committee service
Gerry Lee

City Utilities of Springfield
Inducted 2005
From his first year of involvement with MEA in 1977, Gerry was hooked. “From day one,” said Lee. “I envisioned being on the Board of Directors and staying active my whole career.” And for the next 28 years, Lee continued to serve MEA on various committees, finally reaching the Board of Directors in 1999 and Chair in 2003.
- Participation in 31 MEA events
- Strong leadership and advocacy for MEA initiatives
Bob Roach

Inducted 2005
- Service on Electric Substation Committee since 2001; Chair in 2002 & 2003
- Participation in 11 MEA events
- Strong leadership and contribution in developing committee strength during formative years
Mary Schroader

Alliant Energy
Inducted 2005
Since 1985, Mary Schroader has worked for MEA’s Ames Exhibit Committee under her boss, but wasn’t able to officially participate in MEA for several years. In 1990 Schroader finally attended her first Ames and joined the exhibit committee.”Everybody was just so friendly and fun when I got there,” said Schroader.
- Service on Ames Exhibit Committee since 1991; Chair in 1996
- Participation in 15 Annual Gas Operations Conferences
- Frequent and tireless contributor at Gas Operations Conferences
Jerome Themig

Inducted 2005
Jerome Themig first got involved with MEA in 1989 to become a better gas engineer. Themig began working on the National Gas Rodeo Committee in 2000, and in 2003 he became Chair. Being inducted into the Hall of Fame isn’t going to stop Themig who plans to continue helping the Gas Rodeo.”I feel old now,” Themig joked. “I’m just doing my part and was quite surprised to be nominated.”
- Participation in 42 MEA events
- Instrumental in securing more than $25,000 in sponsorship for the National Gas Rodeo
Gene Argo

Midwest Energy, Inc.
Inducted 2004
- Chair, MEA Board of Directors, 1999
- Frequent attendee since 1990 at numerous MEA operations, corporate services and senior executive conferences and roundtables
- Leader in:
- Transitioning association from Midwest Gas Association (MGA) to Midwest ENERGY Assocation (MEA)
- Strengthening MEA and promoting value of association membership
Art Borsa

DMD Dresser Manufacturing
Inducted 2004
- Associate member leadership and creativity in outdoor exhibits and hospitality suites
- Attendance at MEA Conferences and Roundtables since 1974
- Instructor for several Measurement Courses
- Service on:
- Measurement & Controls Committee three times
- Ames Exhibit Committee twice
Mike Burkhart

Nicor Gas
Inducted 2004
- 9 years of service and current Chair of the Operator Qualification Steering Committee
- Qualified for One, Qualified for All Subject Matter Expert
- Instrumental in development and creation of MakeSafe 2000 Leak Simulation Program
- Attendance at MEA/ETN Conferences and Roundtables for over 11 years
Terry Carlisle

Northern Border/Viking Gas Transmission
Inducted 2004
- Participant in the OQ Steering Committee since 2000
- Frequent attendee at the Gas Operations Conference
- Leader in:
- Development of MEA’s Operator Qualification (1998)
- Qualified for One, Qualified for All program
- Development of the Pipeline Job & Task Analysis
Jack Bates

Bates & Associates
Inducted 2003
- Taught the Valve Maintenance class at the Gas Operations Conference for 16 years
- Attended and exhibited at the Gas Operations Conference for 20 years
- Served on Associate Advisory Council in 1996
- Recognized industry expert on valve maintenance
Buddy Edwards

Southern Cross Corp.
Inducted 2003
- Exhibited at the Gas Operations conference for 20+ years
- Served on the Ames Exhibit Committee for 6 years; Committee Chair
- Served on MEA Board of Directors
- Participant in numerous executive conferences, planning meetings and other MEA events
Gerard Fox

Peoples Energy
Inducted 2003
- Served on Legal/Regulatory Affairs Committee for 20 years
- Chair of Legal/Regulatory Affairs Committee for past 3 years
- Attended 25+ conferences and planning sessions
- Strong committee leadership and advocacy
Bob Schacht

Northern Indiana Public Service
Inducted 2003
- Served four years on the Gas Operations Steering Committee; committee Chair during MEA’s 75th Anniversary
- Served three years on the MEA Board of Directors
- Strong MEA advocate with Northern Indiana Public Service
Ron Six

AEGIS Insurance Service
Inducted 2003
- Taught the MEA Leak Detection Class for eight years
- Active supporter of the National Gas Rodeo for past four years; sponsor of the “Aegis Trophy” given to winner of Rodeo
- Exhibitor at the Annual Gas Operations Conference since 1985
- “Industry-expert” presenter in approximately 12 classroom sessions
Noel Coon

NPL Construction Co. (retired)
Inducted 2002
- MEA Board of Directors, 1983-1999; Treasurer 1985-1999
- Annual Gas Operations Conference Attendee, 1968-1999
- Senior Executive Roundtable and Executive Management Conference Attendee, 1983-1999
Gary Ewert

Consumers Energy
Inducted 2002
- OQ Steering Committee, 10 yrs; 1999 & 2000 Chair
- Q41 Committee, 3 yrs
- Served on numerous OQ-related task forces and subject committees
- Participated in virtually all the DOT rule writing sessions over 2 ½ years in Washington as a key advisor to Ric Hinkie (MEA President and one of the 14 rule negotiators)
- REACT Steering Committee, 1993-1996; Pipeline JTA Steering Committee, 1998; TUI Committee, 1998 & 1999
James Fallon

Inducted 2002
- Codes & Standards Committee, 3 yrs; 1994 Chair
- Operating Section Steering Committee, 4 yrs; 2001 Chair
- Annual Gas Operations Conference Attendee since 1981
- Operating Section Planning Meeting, Annual Planning Meeting, Annual Management Conference, and Operations Roundtable attendee
Chuck Groebner

Groebner & Associates
Inducted 2002
- Annual Gas Operations Conference Exhibitor more than 35 times
- Attended Operating Section Planning Meetings, Operations Roundtables, Senior Gas Executive Conferences, & OQ Training Seminars
- MEA Board of Directors, 1991-1994
- Operating Section Steering Committee, 4 yrs
- Liaison from Operating Section Steering Committee to Purchasing & Materials Management Committee, 3 yrs
- National Gas Rodeo Sponsor
Ernie Heuer

Nicor (retired)
Inducted 2002
- Distribution Committee, 10 yrs
- 1987 Distribution Committee Chair
- Inspiration for the Annual Gas Operations Conference’s “Ernie Bucks”
Warren LaMar

Mercury Instruments
Inducted 2002
- Measurement & Controls Committee, 9 yrs
- Charter Member of Associate Advisory Committee; 4 yrs; 1996 Chair
- Operating Committee, 1 yr
- Attended 28 Annual Gas Operations Conferences since 1972, and numerous Roundtables,
- Operating Section Planning Meetings, and Annual Planning Meetings
Harold Mueller

Mueller Pipeliner, Inc. (retired)
Inducted 2002
- Founder of four MEA member companies
- Sponsored multiple Hospitality Rooms; sent management of many companies to Ames
- Responsible for increase in Associate Members through his efforts to recruit new member companies
- Original member of the Operator Qualification Committee
- Attended many Annual Operations Conference since 1965
John Schmidt

Tapecoat Co. Inc. (retired)
Inducted 2002
- Ames Exhibitor Committee, 3 yrs; 1996 Chair
- 1996 Associate Advisory Council
- Exhibitor at Annual Gas Operations Conference for 35 yrs
- Attended 18 Spring Operations Conferences
Ed Scott

Illinois Power
Inducted 2002
- Safety, Training, & Field Services Committee, 5 yrs; 1999 Chair
- OQ training course subject matter expert
- Attended past five Annual Gas
- Operations Conferences; several OQ Training Sessions, Accident Prevention Seminars, &
- Operating Section Planning Meetings
- OQ Steering Committee, 7 yrs; 2000 & 2001 Chair
Harry White

Inducted 2002
- OQ Committee, 8 yrs; REACT Steering Committee, 5 yrs; Electric Operations Steering Committee, 2 yrs
- 2002 Electric Operations Steering Committee Vice Chair
1995-1997 & 2001 OQ Committee Chair - Participated in virtually all the DOT rule writing sessions over 2 ½ years in Washington as a key advisor to Ric Hinkie (MEA President and one of the 14 rule negotiators)
- Since 1994, attended numerous Roundtables, Annual Management Conferences, Annual Gas Operations Conferences, and Annual Planning Meetings