Reasons for your company to become a member
MEA is a company-based association. That means that when your company joins as a member, all employees are welcome to leverage MEA resources and benefits. Types of companies eligible for membership are energy distribution, transmission, contractors, and vendors/suppliers that support those companies.
Membership provides:
- Money saving/cost containment strategies.
- Forums and exhibit programs to share information, new ideas, products, and technology.
- A resource to develop personal employee performance and expertise.
- A network for industry leaders to discuss problems and opportunities your company faces.
- Regular reports about what others in the industry are doing.
- Names and contacts of other companies in the industry you can call upon for information.
- Partnering opportunities with suppliers, producers, marketers, pipelines, and local distribution companies.
- Additional exposure for your business through online directory forms and sponsorship opportunities.
Member companies reported the following membership benefits:
“You can get great training through MEA.”
“Your company will have excellent networking opportunities through MEA.”
“You can build and foster long-term relationships through MEA.”
“Your company can bridge the gap created by retirements with MEA Field Leader Training.”
“Your company can support diversity and inclusion through MEA Energetic Women.”
“Your employees can learn about relevant topics from effective subject matter experts by attending the MEA conferences and summits.”
Your company will help solve industry problems with other like-minded member companies.