
192 Natural Gas

EnergyU Course Library

Use to qualify personnel for Operator Qualification requirements under CFR part 192. For gas operations personnel and contractors working on natural gas distribution, transmission, and gas gathering systems.

  • 73 training courses and assessments
  • 115 performance evaluation forms

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  • 192-AOC Abnormal Operating Conditions

    Course Description

    Operators of natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines must have basic knowledge in order to comply with federal regulations. Operators must be able to recognize when an abnormal or possible hazardous condition exists, and then react appropriately. This course provides basic information on recognizing and reacting to Abnormal Operating Conditions (AOCs).


    • Describe AOCs, regulations, and requirements.
    • Identify general AOC types, causes, prevention, and steps for reacting to the AOC.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG – MEA1462
    KNT – MEA1291
  • 192-0101 Characteristics and Hazards of Natural Gas

    Course Description

    This course defines the properties and characteristics of natural gas, as well as associated hazards of natural gas.


    • Identify basic properties and characteristics of natural gas.
    • Recognize hazards of natural gas.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1459
    KNT - MEA1292
  • 192-0201 Gas Detection and Alarm System Maintenance

    Course Description

    Compressor stations along the transmission pipeline network provide the compression required to ensure continued and efficient gas flow. Most compressor stations have fixed gas detection and alarm systems to monitor for combustible gas. Personnel working in compressor stations must be able to perform calibration and testing of those gas detection and alarm systems.


    • Identify fixed gas detection devices and describe their functions.
    • Describe calibration and testing procedures for fixed gas detection systems.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1356
    KNT - MEA1128
    PEF - MEA11
  • 192-0202 Isolation of Compressor Units

    Course Description

    Failures during isolation and reinstatement of compressor units are one of the main causes of loss-of-containment incidents, which can lead to major accidents. High standards of isolation and rigorous control are required for compressor isolation and reinstatement, particularly in major hazardous industries.


    • List compressor types, drivers, controls and operation.
    • Explain general and positive isolations.
    • Summarize a hazard analysis and risk assessment.
    • Identify requirements and methods of isolation.
    • Discuss isolation, venting, purging, testing, proving and monitoring procedures.
    • Describe an isolation removal and compressor reinstatement.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1357
    KNT – MEA1129
    PEF – MEA12
  • 192-0205 Compressor Station Inspection and Testing of Remote Control Shutdown Devices

    Course Description

    A compressor station typically has devices that activate remotely to shutdown an entire compressor station or individual station components if operating conditions become dangerous. Therefore, it is important to know how to inspect and test a remote control shutdown device to ensure proper operation.

    It is also critical to properly recognize and react to any abnormal operating conditions that may occur during inspection and testing of remote control shutdown devices.


    • Discuss how to identify and inspect remote control shutdown devices.
    • Describe how to test and calibrate remote control shutdown devices.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions that may occur during inspection and testing of remote control shutdown devices.
    • Explain how to document findings according to company procedures.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1407
    KNT - MEA1130
    PEF - MEA13
  • 192-0301 Operating Gas Compressor Units

    Course Description

    The goal of day-to-day gas compressor operations is to move the required volume of gas through the gas compressor without exceeding operating parameters on the compressor unit, auxiliary equipment, and pipeline. This course covers activities required for the start-up, operation, and shutdown of an engine driven gas compressor unit.


    • Identify compressor station components and auxiliary equipment.
    • List different compressor types and their drivers.
    • Describe compressor operating parameters and monitoring strategies.
    • Discuss how to perform condition and performance monitoring activities.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1408
    KNT - MEA1131
    PEF - MEA14
    PEF - MEA15
  • 192-0302 Shutting Down Gas Compressor Units

    Course Description

    Compressor stations play a vital role to ensuring pipeline capacity and efficiency through a vast network of pipelines within the natural gas transportation system. Strategically located compressor stations maintain the pressure and velocity of the natural gas by giving it a much-needed boost.

    Compressors are used to: increase gas pressure in a pipeline, maintain desired gas flow through the line, and allow gas to flow from a low pressure to a higher pressure line. Therefore, one of the most important components of natural gas transportation systems is the compressor station.


    • Identify compressor operation, controls, types, drivers and shutdown systems.
    • Discuss compressor shutdown requirements, practices and modes.
    • Describe how to perform compressor shutdown procedures.
    • Recognize and react to potential problems and abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG -MEA1409
    KNT - MEA1132
    PEF - MEA16
    PEF - MEA17
  • 192-0303 Starting Gas Compressor Units

    Course Description

    This course describes key steps for the operation of a gas compressor unit, specifically focusing on procedures for proper start-up of a compressor unit, and abnormal operating conditions.


    • Describe the operation of a gas compressor unit.
    • Discuss the start-up of a gas compressor unit.
    • Recognize abnormal operating conditions and how to respond to them.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1410
    KNT - MEA1133
    PEF - MEA18
    PEF - MEA19
  • 192-0401 Corrosion Monitoring: Atmospheric, External, and Internal

    Course Description

    Corrosion is the primary form of deterioration in steel pipe. While an "inspection" provides information as to the corrosion conditions at a specific time, "monitoring" defines changes in corrosion conditions over time. Effective corrosion monitoring enables you to predict corrosion damage and be proactive against pipeline failure.

    This course provides information on inspection and monitoring requirements. Pipeline operators will need to perform timely inspections and then scientifically prioritize repair and replacement of pipeline parts after completing a risk assessment.


    • Describe inspection requirements.
    • Discuss methods for inspecting and monitoring pipeline corrosion.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1411
    KNT - MEA1134
    PEF - MEA110
    PEF - MEA113
  • 192-0402 Coating Maintenance

    Course Description

    Bare steel must be protected in areas of active corrosion. The DOT requires that above ground piping installed after July 31, 1971 be coated or jacketed with corrosion preventing material. Piping below ground that is exposed to atmospheric corrosion in utility pits or vaults must also be coated or jacketed. This course provides a basic overview of coatings, coating inspection, and coating maintenance.


    • Identify deteriorated, damaged, or disbonded pipeline coating.
    • Describe requirements for removing deteriorated, damaged, or disbonded coating without damaging the pipe.
    • Discuss methods for repairing, replacing, or altering pipe coating.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1412
    KNT - MEA1135
    PEF - MEA114
    PEF - MEA11976
    PEF - MEA11977
    PEF - MEA11978
    PEF - MEA11979
    PEF - MEA11980
    PEF - MEA11981
  • 192-0501 Cathodic Protection System Maintenance

    Course Description

    This course provides an introduction to maintenance of a gas pipeline cathodic protection system.


    • Describe how cathodic protection is provided.
    • Explain the inspection requirements for cathodically protected gas pipelines.
    • List the test equipment used to maintain and troubleshoot cathodic protection systems.
    • Identify how to maintain and troubleshoot cathodically protected pipelines and rectifiers.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1413
    KNT - MEA1136
    PEF – MEA117
    PEF – MEA118
    PEF – MEA119
    PEF – MEA120
    PEF – MEA121
  • 192-0503 Cathodic Protection Systems: Electrical Connections

    Course Description

    This course provides an introduction to the installation and inspection of electrical connections used in a gas pipeline cathodic protection system. In this course, we first review why pipeline corrosion occurs and how it can be prevented. Then, we take a look at the equipment you use to test electrical connections and tasks you must perform before starting a job. Finally, we discuss how to install and inspect electrical connections.


    • Explain the different types of electrical connections required in a gas pipeline cathodic protection system.
    • List the test equipment used to install and inspect electrical connections.
    • Identify the steps required to install and inspect electrical connections.
    • Describe how to recognize and respond to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1414
    KNT - MEA1137
    PEF - MEA123
  • 192-0505 Cathodic Protection System Testing

    Course Description

    This course provides an introduction to testing and troubleshooting cathodically protected gas pipelines.


    • Describe how cathodic protection is provided.
    • Explain the inspection requirements for cathodically protected gas pipelines.
    • List the test equipment used to test and troubleshoot cathodic protection systems.
    • Discuss how to test and troubleshoot cathodically protected pipelines and rectifiers.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1415
    KNT - MEA1138
    PEF - MEA124
  • 192-0511 Soil Resistivity Testing

    Course Description

    This course provides an introduction to soil resistivity testing. In this course, we first review why pipeline corrosion occurs and how it can be prevented. Then, we take a look at different soil resistivity measuring tests.


    • Describe how cathodic protection is provided.
    • Discuss the inspection requirements for cathodically protected gas pipelines.
    • Explain the following soil resistivity tests: Four-pin or Wenner, Two-pin or Shepard's Canes, Single-pin or soil rod and Collins Rod, Soil box
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1416
    KNT – MEA1139
    PEF - MEA131
  • 192-0512 Pipe-to-Soil Testing

    Course Description

    This course provides an introduction to performing pipe-to-soil testing of gas pipelines.


    • Describe how cathodic protection is provided.
    • Discuss the inspection requirements for cathodically protected gas pipelines.
    • List the test equipment used to perform a pipe-to-soil test.
    • Explain how to perform and troubleshoot a pipe-to-soil test.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1417
    KNT – MEA1140
    PEF – MEA132
  • 192-0701 Locating, Installing, and Protecting Customer Meters and Regulators

    Course Description

    When customer meters and regulators are installed within a natural gas system, qualified personnel must be familiar with proper procedures for locating, installing, protecting, and testing meter set components.


    • Identify the components of a meter set.
    • Discuss location requirements for the installation of meter sets.
    • Describe general meter set installation requirements.
    • Explain correct procedures for installation of customer meters, regulators, and relief valves.
    • Define proper procedures for testing installed customer meters, regulators, and relief valves.
    • Recognize abnormal operating conditions and potential problems, along with appropriate reactions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1418
    KNT - MEA1141
    PEF – MEA133
    PEF – MEA134
  • 192-0702 Customer Regulating, Limiting, and Relief Devices

    Course Description

    Every section of a natural gas system is designed to work within a range of pressures. Within each distribution section, customer pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices maintain the appropriate pressures and protect against over pressurization.


    • Describe the purpose of customer pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices.
    • Explain how to inspect, maintain, and test customer pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1419
    KNT – MEA1142
    PEF – MEA135
    PEF – MEA136
  • 192-0801 Locating Pipelines

    Course Description

    Knowing the location of buried facilities prior to performing excavation activities is essential to prevent damage to underground utilities. Unintentional damage to underground facilities during excavation not only causes a significant amount of disruption, it can also threaten public safety. For this reason, temporary marking of all buried pipelines in the areas of excavation activity must be completed prior to the start of excavation.


    • Describe One-Call requirements.
    • Distinguish between locating methods.
    • Identify testing and locating equipment.
    • Perform visual inspection of the locate area.
    • Explain how to perform a locate.
    • Place temporary markers.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1420
    KNT - MEA1143
    PEF - MEA137
  • 192-0802 Protection During Disturbance of Segment Support

    Course Description

    Pipe segments must be protected against damage during disturbance. It is important to provide support and protection for exposed piping, and to properly backfill to prevent settlement.


    • Explain when to support pipeline segments.
    • List different types of support.
    • Identify what fittings and segments to support.
    • Discuss system patrol requirements and methods.
    • Discuss system patrol requirements and methods.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1421
    KNT - MEA1144
    PEF - MEA138
  • 192-0803 Inspection for Damage

    Course Description

    When inspection for damage is performed on gas pipeline facilities, it is important to know how to properly inspect pipeline components and excavation sites, perform leak surveys, and verify system integrity. This course provides information on damage inspection requirements and integrity management.


    • Explain the hazards of natural gas.
    • Identify common types of pipeline damage.
    • Review basic federal requirements for pipeline integrity management.
    • Indicate damage inspection procedures.
    • Outline inspection documentation requirements.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1422
    KNT - MEA1145
    PEF - MEA139
  • 192-0804 Damage Prevention During Excavation Activities

    Course Description

    This course stresses the importance of damage prevention during any excavation activities.


    • List One-Call notification procedures.
    • Explain OSHA requirements and "best practices."
    • Review procedures for locating, properly marking, and exposing buried pipeline.
    • Discuss how to expose buried pipe by probing then potholing.
    • Describe monitoring and inspecting excavation activities.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1423
    KNT - MEA1295
    PEF - MEA1296
  • 192-0901 System Patrolling

    Course Description

    Routine pipeline patrols must be performed on transmission and distribution pipeline systems to check for leaks, construction activity, and other factors that could affect the safety and operation of the system. The Code of Federal Regulations requires that system patrols take place at regular intervals that are determined by the size of the line, operating pressures, class location, and other relevant factors.


    • Describe system patrol requirements.
    • Explain methods for performing system patrols.
    • Identify signs that indicate possible hazards.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1424
    KNT - MEA1146
    PEF - MEA140
  • 192-1001 Cast Iron Joints Sealing

    Course Description

    Cast-iron gas distribution mains are still in use in many older urban areas. The bell and spigot joints commonly used for joining cast-iron pipe have the potential for gas leaks and must be properly maintained and sealed. To extend the life of cast-iron pipe, various methods for sealing leaking joints are used.


    • Identify the requirements for sealing bell and spigot joints.
    • Discuss how to evaluate and determine if sealing requirements are being met.
    • Describe sealing methods appropriate for cast-iron joints.
    • Explain the installation process and the maintenance of leak clamps.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1425
    KNT - MEA1147
    PEF - MEA141
  • 192-1002 Joining of Plastic Pipe: Electrofusion

    Course Description

    Electrofusion is the process of joining plastic pipe through the use of specially designed fittings.


    • Describe electrofusion equipment and fittings.
    • Identify the tasks to perform before starting an electrofusion job.
    • List the steps to perform when electrofusing socket and sidewall type fittings to a pipe.
    • Explain how to inspect an electrofused joint.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1426
    KNT - MEA1148
    PEF - MEA143
    PEF - MEA144
  • 192-1003 Joining of Plastic Pipe: Butt Heat Fusion

    Course Description

    Butt heat fusion is the process of joining two plastic pipes or one pipe and fitting through the use of heat and force.


    • Describe butt heat fusion equipment and fittings.
    • Identify the tasks to perform before starting a butt heat fusion job.
    • List the steps to perform during manual and hydraulic butt heat fusion.
    • Explain how to inspect a butt heat fusion joint.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1427
    KNT - MEA1149
    PEF - MEA145
  • 192-1004 Joining of Plastic Pipe: Sidewall Heat Fusion

    Course Description

    Sidewall heat fusion is the process of joining a sidewall fitting to a pipe through the use of heat and force. In this course, we first discuss sidewall heat fusion equipment and fittings, and the tasks you must perform before starting a sidewall heat fusion job. Next, we look in detail at performing a sidewall heat fusion.


    • Describe sidewall heat fusion equipment and fittings.
    • Identify the tasks to perform before starting a sidewall heat fusion job.
    • Discuss the steps to perform during sidewall heat fusion.
    • Explain how to inspect a sidewall heat fusion.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1428
    KNT - MEA1150
    PEF - MEA146
  • 192-1005 Mechanical Joints

    Course Description

    Mechanical joints offer an alternative to welded or threaded joints on steel pipes, and heat fused or solvent joints on plastic pipes. Mechanical joints require the installation of a mechanical coupling to join two pipe ends.


    • Describe the following mechanical couplings: stab, boltless and bolted, and flange.
    • Identify the tasks to perform before starting a pipe joining job.
    • List the steps needed to perform the installation, inspection, and testing of mechanical couplings.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1429
    KNT - MEA1151
    PEF – MEA1123
    PEF – MEA1124
    PEF – MEA1125
    PEF – MEA11320
    PEF – MEA1753
    PEF – MEA1754
    PEF – MEA11699
    PEF – MEA11700
  • 192-1006 Joining of Plastic Pipe: Socket Heat Fusion

    Course Description

    This course provides information on conventional socket heat fusion requirements and preparation of pipe and fittings prior to fusing, the fusion procedure, and inspection requirements.


    • Identify socket heat fusion equipment and fittings.
    • Discuss the tasks to perform before starting a socket heat fusion job.
    • List the steps to perform during socket heat fusion.
    • Explain how to inspect a socket heat fusion.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1430
    KNT - MEA1152
    PEF - MEA148
  • 192-1201 Leakage Survey: Distribution and Transmission

    Course Description

    Natural gas utilities manage miles of pipelines that gather, transmit and distribute gas to customers. Leaks can occur anywhere in the system. The leak survey program is a systematic method of protecting public safety and company facilities by detecting and repairing leaks before they become dangerous.


    • Explain leakage survey scope, methods, and requirements.
    • Describe equipment performance checks.
    • Discuss implementation of surface and subsurface surveys.
    • Detail use of vegetation and business district surveys.
    • Identify how to pinpoint and classify leaks.
    • Review leak spread and actions to resolve leak.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1431
    KNT - MEA1153
    PEF - MEA149
    PEF - MEA150
  • 192-1202 Outside Gas Leakage Investigation

    Course Description

    Natural gas utilities manage miles of pipelines that gather, transmit, and distribute gas to customers. Leaks can occur anywhere in the system. Outside leak investigations are generally performed to detect these leaks before they become serious.


    • Discuss how to conduct gas leak surveys on commercial and residential service lines, main lines, and meter sets.
    • Describe how to pinpoint and document leaks found in accordance with federal regulations.
    • Explain how to control hazardous situations by evaluating the situation and classifying leaks.
    • Indicate how to investigate gas leaks with leak detection equipment and coordinate repairs.
    • Recognize and react to potential problems and abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1432
    KNT - MEA1154
    PEF - MEA151
  • 192-1203 Inside Gas Leakage Investigation

    Course Description

    This course covers performing inside gas leakage investigations, checking for migration of gas at entry points, initiating precautionary actions, and verifying inside service line and fuel line integrity.


    • Describe how to perform inside gas leakage investigation until the leakage is found or no leakage is confirmed.
    • Explain how to check for migration of gas at entry points.
    • Discuss service line penetration.
    • Indicate how to initiate precautionary actions at any time that hazardous gas leakage is found.
    • Review how to perform an inside leakage survey.
    • Identify how to verify inside service line and fuel line integrity.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions (AOCs).
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1433
    KNT - MEA1155
    PEF - MEA152
  • 192-1301 Leak and Strength Test: Service Lines, Mains, and Transmission Lines

    Course Description

    Pipeline systems are pressure tested to demonstrate their fitness for service under intended operating conditions. Tests may be conducted prior to placing newly constructed lines into service, to revalidate historical operating conditions as part of an integrity assessment process, to verify pipeline integrity before returning it to service after being idle or inactive, and to establish a line's ability for modified operations such as operating at higher pressures and transporting different products.


    • List pipeline leak and strength test requirements and methods.
    • Describe isolating pipeline segment to be tested.
    • Explain testing pipeline segment hydrostatically and pneumatically.
    • Discuss returning segment to service and testing final connections.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1434
    KNT - MEA1156
    PEF - MEA153
    PEF - MEA154
    PEF - MEA155
    PEF - MEA1126
  • 192-1401 Abandonment or Inactivation of Facilities

    Course Description

    When pipeline operators abandon or inactivate facilities, detailed planning and job preparation is required in order to perform these operations safely. The correct tools and materials must be selected and job specifications must be properly understood and followed, including the identification of the pipe segments to be abandoned or inactivated.


    • Discuss gas pipeline regulations
    • Describe preparing for the abandonment or inactivation of gas pipe
    • Explain excavation requirements
    • Identify the process of abandonment or inactivation of gas pipe
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1435
    KNT - MEA1157
    PEF - MEA156
  • 192-1402 Backfilling

    Course Description

    This course discusses safety and operating procedures for backfilling.


    • Identify hazards associated with natural gas, excavation, and backfilling.
    • List trench safety requirements.
    • Explain requirements for the inspection of backfill materials.
    • Outline criteria used for soil evaluation and classification.
    • Describe backfilling procedures.
    • Demonstrate proper pipe support.
    • Review soil compaction methods.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1436
    KNT - MEA1158
    PEF - MEA157
  • 192-1403 Installation of Steel Pipe: Field Bends

    Course Description

    The Department of Transportation's (DOT) Office of Pipeline Safety has set guidelines for bending steel pipe during installation. These guidelines, found in Federal Standard 192.313-315, stipulate specific requirements to avoid failure of pipe and its welds.


    • Discuss the bending requirements for steel pipe.
    • Describe how to prepare pipe for field bends.
    • Explain how to inspect field bends in steel pipe.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1437
    KNT - MEA1159
    PEF - MEA158
  • 192-1404 Casing Vents and Seals

    Course Description

    When natural gas carrier pipeline is installed within casing, it must be designed to withstand the loads that will be imposed on it. Casing, vents, and seals vary in design and material; therefore, specific manufacturer's instructions and company procedures must be followed for each type, during installation, maintenance, or repair.


    • Explain pipeline and operator regulations.
    • Identify the components of pipeline casing: casing, spacers, vents, and seals.
    • Describe installation and maintenance requirements for casing vents and seals.
    • Discuss reporting and documentation requirements.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1438
    KNT - MEA1160
    PEF - MEA159
  • 192-1405 Underground Clearances

    Course Description

    When multiple utilities are installed in a thoroughfare or utility right-of-way, minimum underground clearances must be maintained in order to safely operate transmission lines, gas mains, and gas holders. To ensure that pipes remain in good condition and service is not disrupted, personnel should properly evaluate clearances and recognize any abnormal operating conditions.


    • Describe minimum clearances for transmission lines, mains (steel and plastic), and pipe-type or bottle-type holders.
    • List methods to preserve and protect clearances and facilities.
    • Recognize possible abnormal operating conditions.
    • Demonstrate proper responses when abnormal operating conditions are encountered.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1439
    KNT - MEA1161
    PEF - MEA160
  • 192-1408 Installation of Plastic Pipe

    Course Description

    Plastic pipe is often used to transport gas in buried pipeline systems. It delivers exceptional value, reliability, and remarkable advantages over conventional types of piping. With superior resistance to corrosion and abrasion, plastic piping systems also supply long service life, excellent joint performance, and offer leak free protection. Plastic pipe is typically installed via direct burial or insertion. Some common installation methods include trenching, plowing, boring, and insertion in a casing or abandoned pipeline. Proper installation is key to pipeline integrity.


    • Describe proper handling of plastic pipe.
    • Discuss transportation and storage of plastic pipe.
    • Explain installing plastic pipe via trench, bore, plowing/pull-in, and plowing/planting.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1440
    KNT - MEA1162
    PEF - MEA161
    PEF - MEA162
    PEF - MEA163
    PEF - MEA164
    PEF - MEA165
    PEF - MEA166
  • 192-1409 Installation of Steel Pipe

    Course Description

    Steel pipe used to transport natural gas is typically installed via direct burial or by trenchless methods. Common installation methods include trenching, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and auger boring. Proper installation is key to pipeline integrity.


    • Describe how to properly handle steel pipe.
    • State requirements and methods for transportation and storage of steel pipe.
    • Explain how to install steel pipe via trench, HDD, and auger boring.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1441
    KNT - MEA1163
    PEF - MEA167
    PEF - MEA168
    PEF - MEA169
    PEF - MEA170
    PEF - MEA171
    PEF - MEA172
  • 192-1410 Cover: Service Lines, Mains, and Transmission Lines

    Course Description

    Pipeline components can generally be divided into the following categories: service lines, mains, and transmission lines. When working on a gas line, it is important to adhere to minimum cover requirements. If the minimum requirements are met, the work performed needs to ensure that the requirements are preserved or maintained. If the minimum requirements are not met, additional cover is required.


    • Identify minimum cover requirements.
    • Evaluate and determine if minimum cover requirements are being met.
    • Describe how to preserve or maintain minimum cover.
    • Describe how to restore, as necessary, minimum cover.
    • Explain how to provide, as necessary, protection where minimum cover requirements cannot be met.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1442
    KNT - MEA1164
    PEF - MEA173
    PEF - MEA1127
  • 192-1411 Inspection

    Course Description

    Natural gas is highly combustible and must be handled properly to maintain facility, worker, and public safety. Damage can occur on pipeline components during storage, transportation, handling and installation. Problems can also occur from manufacturing flaws, improper material selection, or improper installation. Pipe and pipeline components must be inspected before and after installation to ensure serviceability and safety.


    • Indicate the source of natural gas.
    • Identify the properties and hazards of natural gas.
    • Review personnel and inspection regulations and requirements.
    • Explain basic inspection procedures.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1443
    KNT - MEA1165
    PEF - MEA174
    PEF - MEA175
  • 192-1413 Line Markers

    Course Description

    Line markers are highly visible above ground warning signs that are located throughout the pipeline right-of-ways to alert excavators and other workers that there are buried pipelines in the immediate area. Line markers include information such as the company name, emergency phone number, call before you dig information, and description of pipeline product.


    • Describe line marker purpose and design.
    • Discuss location, placement, and installation requirements for line markers.
    • Recognize requirements for abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1444
    KNT - MEA1166
    PEF - MEA176
  • 192-1414 Pipeline Shutdown, Startup, or Pressure Change

    Course Description

    Dangerous situations, such as an explosion, fire, leak, or pipeline damage, may require pipeline shutdown, startup, or pressure change. Properly performing these operations is not only essential for worker safety, but also for the safety of life and property.


    • Identify methods for pipeline shutdown, startup, and increase or decrease of pressure.
    • Determine if a pipeline shutdown or pressure reduction is required.
    • Describe general procedure requirements and safety considerations.
    • Explain preparation requirements for pipeline shutdown, startup, and pressure change.
    • Indicate procedures for stopping gas flow and changing pressure.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1445
    KNT - MEA1167
    PEF - MEA177
    PEF - MEA178
    PEF - MEA179
    PEF - MEA180
    PEF - MEA181
  • 192-1415 Protection From Hazards

    Course Description

    Pipeline protection from hazards is required to reduce the risk, or severity of effects, of uncontrollable hazards from natural forces, such as landslides, earthquakes, or hurricanes, and external forces, such as vehicles, vessels, or anchors.


    • Identify pipeline hazards and hazard protection requirements.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1446
    KNT - MEA1168
    PEF - MEA182
  • 192-1417 Protection When Minimum Cover Not Met

    Course Description

    Proper planning and preparation are required during natural gas pipeline construction in order to create a safe and efficient transportation system. Pipeline routes and construction methods must consider many variables and situations. When gas pipeline is buried, cover requirements must be met.


    • Discuss proper safety procedures when working on gas pipeline.
    • Define safety requirements during excavation.
    • Explain trench and cover requirements for buried pipe.
    • Describe providing protection for buried gas pipe.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1447
    KNT - MEA1169
    PEF - MEA183
  • 192-1418 Purging Natural Gas Pipelines

    Course Description

    Gas piping design, operation, and purging responsibilities require a very specialized level of expertise. A number of high-profile explosions related to careless errors and improper purging practices have brought these issues to the forefront for many organizations. Beyond the risk of death and injury, gas pipeline purging incidents can cause: extensive property damage worth millions of dollars, significant lost production time, and irreversible damage to a company's reputation. Therefore, an established purging process is best followed for a safe and complete purge.


    • Identify code requirements, proper purging procedures, and potential hazards.
    • Describe performing pre-purge, purge, and post-purge activities.
    • Discuss purge factors such as pressure, rate, velocity, time, and mediums.
    • List appropriate purging equipment.
    • Explain how to properly purge pipelines in and out of service.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1448
    KNT - MEA1170
    PEF - MEA184
    PEF - MEA185
  • 192-1419 Uprating: Reinforce or Anchor Offsets, Bends, and Dead-ends

    Course Description

    Before increasing operating pressure above the previously established maximum allowable operating pressure, reinforcement is required for offsets, bends, and dead-ends in pipe joined by compression couplings or bell and spigot joints.


    • Discuss methods for reinforcing or anchoring offsets, bends, and dead-ends.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1449
    KNT - MEA1171
    PEF - MEA186
    PEF - MEA187
  • 192-1421 Installation of Steel Pipe: Repair of Imperfections or Damage

    Course Description

    Damage or imperfections that impair the serviceability of a pipe must be repaired. Federal regulations allow repairing of pipeline damage and imperfections by repair methods such as grinding, welding, and wrapping with a composite sleeve.


    • Identify factors that determine required repair.
    • Discuss tools and equipment for inspection and repair.
    • Describe accepted methods of repair.
    • Explain completion steps.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1450
    KNT - MEA1172
    PEF - MEA188
  • 192-1422 Segment Repair, Replacement, etc.

    Course Description

    Natural gas pipelines are subject to damage during installation and excavation, and from external and internal corrosion. Damage or imperfections that impair the serviceability of a pipeline must be repaired or removed. Repair and replacement methods vary depending on the pipe material and the extent of the damage.


    • List the procedures for inspecting pipeline segments and cathodic protection systems.
    • Discuss the tasks you must perform prior to starting the repair or replacement of a pipeline segment.
    • Describe how to:
    • Repair a pipeline segment by grinding, sleeves, clamps, joint encapsulation, and internal sealing.
    • Replace pipeline segments using compression, flange, and stab couplings, welding, and fusion.
    • Identify the tasks you must perform to return a pipeline segment to service.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1451
    KNT - MEA12374
    PEF - MEA1451
  • 192-1424 Support, Expansion Joints, and Anchor Maintenance: Exposed Pipeline

    Course Description

    Pipelines are designed to operate within certain parameters of internal and external stress. When installation of a pipeline requires that the pipeline be exposed, the exposure may result in added external stress. The use of anchors, supports, or expansion joints help minimize external stress on exposed pipe. If these items are not maintained properly, stress levels can cause premature failure.


    • Explain the function of supports, expansion joints, and anchors.
    • Discuss the personnel requirements for support, expansion joint, and anchor maintenance.
    • Describe the excavation and welding requirements for pipeline tasks.
    • Indicate the procedures for repairing supports and anchors.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1452
    KNT - MEA1174
    PEF - MEA191
  • 192-1425 Tapping Cast and Ductile Iron Pipe

    Course Description

    Tapping cast and ductile iron pipe is the process of creating an opening in the pipe. Tapping may be required as part of pipeline repair, segment replacement, or facility abandonment. Tapping may also be required to connect a new service branch, to create a bypass, or during the installation of other system devices.


    • Describe federal and safety regulations for gas pipeline.
    • Discuss requirements for facility locating and excavation.
    • Explain tapping requirements, safe practices, and operational procedures.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions and proper AOC reactions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1453
    KNT - MEA1175
    PEF - MEA192
  • 192-1426 Tapping Steel and Plastic Pipe

    Course Description

    This course covers preparation steps for tapping steel and plastic pipe, safety procedures, equipment inspection, evaluating operating conditions, requirements for connecting equipment to main, and general installation of mechanical and bag stoppers.


    • Explain how to evaluate and identify tap location.
    • Describe how to verify pressure of pipeline segment.
    • Discuss how to select appropriate fittings.
    • Indicate how to safely perform tapping and stopping procedures.
    • Identify abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1454
    KNT - MEA1176
    PEF - MEA193
    PEF - MEA194
  • 192-1427 Valve Inspection and Maintenance

    Course Description

    This course discusses activities involved with inspection and maintenance of valves.


    • Discuss the basics of valves.
    • Describe working safety.
    • Identify activities required for job preparation.
    • Describe valve inspection and maintenance basic procedures.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1455
    KNT - MEA1177
    PEF - MEA195
    PEF - MEA196
  • 192-1430 Internal Sealing: Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Segments

    Course Description

    Cast or ductile iron pipelines may develop leaks over time due to failing bell and spigot joints, or localized graphitization. Depending on the extent of the defect and the segment operating pressure, internal sealing may be an acceptable method to adequately prevent or arrest any leakage.


    • Describe the causes of leaking cast and ductile iron joints and pipeline segments.
    • Discuss the tasks you must perform prior to starting the repair of a cast or ductile iron pipeline segment.
    • List the tasks for internally sealing cast or ductile iron pipeline segments using one of the following; injectable sealant, spray-on sealant, rubber joint seal, and repair sleeve.
    • Explain the tasks you must perform to return a cast or ductile iron pipeline segment to service.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1456
    KNT - MEA1178
    PEF - MEA197
  • 192-1431 Segment Removal

    Course Description

    Pipeline projects may require that a pipeline segment be removed for various reasons. This course covers requirements for disconnecting pipeline segments and removal of segments without damaging pipeline facilities.


    • Discuss federal regulation of gas pipelines.
    • Describe requirements for segment removal.
    • Explain safety practices related to the tasks associated with segment removal.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions (AOCs).
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1457
    KNT - MEA1179
    PEF - MEA198
  • 192-1432 Leak Clamps and Sleeves

    Course Description

    Gas pipeline is designed to be durable and safe; however, damage can occur that can pose a threat to life and property. Leak clamps and sleeves can be used for external repair that can be performed while leaving the pipeline in-service.


    • Discuss sleeve and material requirements.
    • Describe sleeve and pipe preparation procedures.
    • Explain installation procedures for bolted, welded, and composite sleeves.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1458
    KNT - MEA1180
    PEF - MEA199
    PEF - MEA1118
  • 192-1434 Bypass: Regulator Stations and Meter Sets

    Course Description

    This course describes natural gas system bypasses, and the reasons why bypasses are used on regulator stations or customer meter sets. In the first module, we describe bypasses, purging, and the tasks you must complete before starting a temporary bypass job. Module two covers the tasks you perform in order to build, activate, and remove a temporary bypass.


    • Describe a natural gas system bypass.
    • Explain several examples of why a bypass is performed.
    • Define purging.
    • List the steps you must complete before starting a bypass job, and when building and removing a bypass.
    • Discuss abnormal operation conditions (AOCs) you might encounter when performing a bypass.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1464
    KNT – MEA1463
  • 192-1435 Bypass: Gas Mains and Services

    Course Description

    This course describes natural gas system bypasses and the reasons why bypasses are used on gas mains and service lines. In the first module, we describe bypasses, purging, and the tasks you must complete before starting a temporary bypass job. Module two covers the tasks you perform in order to build, activate, and remove a temporary bypass.


    • Describe a natural gas system bypass.
    • Explain purging process and precautions.
    • List steps for preparing for, building, and removing a bypass.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions (AOCs).
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1466
    KNT – MEA1465
  • 192-1436 Working with Blowing Gas

    Course Description

    Working with blowing gas qualifies as an emergency situation, and requires an awareness of proper response procedures. In addition to providing a prompt and managed response, you must also implement protection methods to protect rescuers and repairmen from damage.


    • Explain the basics of blowing gas.
    • List appropriate types of protection from blowing gas.
    • Discuss proper response procedures.
    • Describe solutions for making necessary repairs.
    • Identify follow-up requirements including documentation and records.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1468
    KNT – MEA1467
  • 192-1437 Launching and Receiving Pigs for Lines in Service

    Course Description

    This course covers pipeline pigging operations, practices, and equipment used in launching and receiving pigs for lines in-service in order to clean, inspect, batch and plug pipelines for effective and efficient operation.


    • Discuss performance of pipeline pigging operations.
    • Identify pig types and pigging components.
    • Describe the operator responsibilities.
    • Explain certain pigging activities.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG – MEA11989
    KNT – MEA11988
  • 192-1501 Odorization: Mains and Transmission Lines

    Course Description

    Natural gas is an important fuel source for homes, businesses, and industry. Although natural gas is designed to be safe and reliable, leaks that go undetected can be dangerous and life threatening. Federal regulations require the use of an odorant that gives gas a sulfur smell to aid in leak detection.


    • Describe the role that odorant plays in a natural gas system.
    • Discuss the hazards associated with natural gas and odorant.
    • List common types of odorizers.
    • Explain the basic guidelines for odorizer maintenance and testing.
    • Recognize and react to AOCs related to odorizer inspection, maintenance, and testing.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG – MEA1471
    KNT – MEA1181
    PEF – MEA1101
    PEF – MEA1102
  • 192-1802 Vault Maintenance

    Course Description

    A vault is defined as an enclosed below ground structure that contains piping or piping components. Vaults are considered confined spaces, and specific procedures must be followed whenever anyone enters a vault.


    • Describe vault entry and exit procedures.
    • Explain vault inspection and maintenance requirements.
    • Recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1472
    KNT - MEA1182
    PEF – MEA1103
  • 192-1803 Pressure Regulating, Limiting, and Relief Device: Operation and Maintenance

    Course Description

    Every section of a natural gas system is designed to work within a range of pressures. Within the distribution section of the gas system, pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices maintain the appropriate pressures and protect against over pressurization.

    In this course, we first discuss the purpose of pressure regulating, limiting and relief devices. Then, we look at tasks you must perform before starting the job. Next, we discuss verifying the correct installation and performing a visual inspection of those devices. Finally, we cover testing and maintaining those devices.


    • Describe the purpose of pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices.
    • List the tasks you must perform before starting the job.
    • Explain how to inspect, maintain, and test pressure regulating, limiting, and relief devices.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1473
    KNT - MEA1183
    PEF - MEA1104
  • 192-2010 Service Line Replacement

    Course Description

    This course covers the requirements for installing service lines, including: installation into buildings, under buildings, service line connections to a main, and locating service line valves.


    • Indicate safe installation procedures.
    • Define minimum clearance requirements.
    • Describe methods that may be used to protect from corrosion and gas leaks.
    • Identify abnormal operating conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1475
    KNT - MEA1184
    PEF - MEA1105
    PEF - MEA1106
  • 192-2011 Prevention of Accidental Ignition

    Course Description

    This course defines the hazards of natural gas and methods to prevent accidental ignition of released gas.


    • Identify the basic properties and hazards of natural gas.
    • List methods for locating and assessing a natural gas leak.
    • Review procedures for responding to a natural gas leak.
    • Recognize potential sources of ignition and methods for preventing the ignition of natural gas.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1474
    KNT - MEA1185
    PEF - MEA1107
  • 192-2014 Service Lines Not In Use and Service Discontinuance

    Course Description

    This course discusses the requirements for gas service lines that are not in use and for discontinuing service. These requirements apply to new gas service lines that are not immediately placed in service, service lines that are abandoned or deactivated, and service lines to a customer with discontinued service.


    • Identify reasons for discontinuing service.
    • Describe requirements for new service lines not in use, and abandoned or deactivated service lines (discontinued service).
    • Explain the process for discontinuing service or handling service lines not in use.
    • List the steps for removing a meter.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1476
    KNT - MEA1186
    PEF - MEA1108
  • 192-2301 Uprate Steel Pipeline: Hoop Stress Greater Than or Equal to 30 Percent SMYS

    Course Description

    In order to raise the operating pressure of a distribution system, proper procedure must be followed to uprate the system. Uprating a system involves raising the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP).


    • Discuss reasons that a system may be uprated.
    • Describe factors to consider in determining the feasibility of uprating a system.
    • Explain the field procedure which must be followed to allow a system to be uprated.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1477
    KNT - MEA1187
    PEF - MEA1109
  • 192-2302 Uprate Steel Pipeline: Hoop Stress Less than 30 Percent SMYS

    Course Description

    This course covers basic uprating terms and concepts, general uprating processes and procedures, and factors to consider in determining the feasibility of uprating a system that will produce a hoop stress of less than 30% of SMYS.


    • List reasons to uprate a system.
    • Describe factors to consider in determining the feasibility of uprating a system.
    • Describe the field procedure which must be followed to allow a system to be uprated is system will operate at a Hoop Stress less than 30.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1478
    KNT - MEA1188
    PEF - MEA1110
  • 192-2401 Welding

    Course Description

    This course discusses welding and the repair of welds in accordance with qualified welding procedures. Qualification should be in accordance with API 1104, Section IX of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or other acceptable standard or practice.


    • Discuss general welding topics.
    • Understand welding requirements.
    • Describe general welding procedure.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1479
    KNT - MEA1189
    PEF - MEA1111
  • 192-2402 Visual Inspection of Welds

    Course Description

    This course discusses inspection of pipeline welding activities and of completed welds to identify potentially dangerous conditions and visually detectable defects. Typical standards for measuring the acceptability of welds include API 1104 and ASME Section IX, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Welders, inspectors, and the welding procedures must be qualified according to federal regulations and the applicable cited standards.


    • Discuss general welding topics.
    • Identify weld defects.
    • Describe requirements for visual inspection before, during, and after the welding process.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1480
    KNT - MEA1190
    PEF - MEA1112
  • 192-2403 Nondestructive Testing of Welds

    Course Description

    Welding is the most common way to join metals in many trades, and pipelines are no exception. Whether joining pipe sections, repairing pipe, or installing a pipeline component, welding provides a strong joining solution. But what happens when welds are defective? Pipes may burst, product may escape, and dangerous explosions may result. The field of nondestructive testing (NDT) provides a way to test completed welds and detect non-visible defects for the purpose of preventing these situations.


    • Describe the basics of welding.
    • Discuss the various nondestructive testing methods.
    • Explain the basic steps for performing nondestructive testing.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1481
    KNT - MEA1191
    PEF - MEA1113
  • 192-2405 Miter Joints

    Course Description

    Pipes are the arteries of the gas industry. If not joined properly, lines can fail with disastrous results. Miter joints are one method of joining pipes.


    • Discuss general welding topics.
    • Understand miter joint welding requirements.
    • Understand the general miter joint welding procedure.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1482
    KNT - MEA1192
    PEF - MEA1115
  • 192-2705 Gas Controls

    Course Description

    A Gas Controller is responsible for maintaining pipeline operations. They must be able to safely start up, operate, and shut down a pipeline system, while at the same time be able to recognize and react to abnormal conditions that may occur.


    • List the basic functions of a Gas Controller.
    • Describe a pipeline startup.
    • Discuss a pipeline shutdown.
    • Recognize pressures, flows, communications and line integrity, and how to maintain them within allowable limits.
    • Identify manual or remote opening and closing of valves or other equipment.
    • Explain how to recognize and respond to abnormal conditions.
    MEA Certificate Numbers
    TNG - MEA1483
    KNT - MEA1193
    PEF - MEA1119